Vehicle wraps. They can be a great way to promote a local or regional business. Sometimes, this can help get a small business off the ground. 

Commercial car wraps are the way to go considering that 97% of people remember seeing commercial car wraps on a car. 

However, it is not enough to simply use vehicle wraps. You are going to need to take extra steps to make sure yours stands out. 

This includes using the right vehicle lettering, the right vehicle graphics, decal fonts, other fonts for cars, and more. 

So, what do you use to make the perfect wrap? These are the biggest factors that you need to consider. 

Choose Your Font Carefully 

One of the most important things you need to know about vehicle wraps is that it matters what font your choose. When it comes to fonts for cars, you want one as legible as possible. 

In other words, the font should be well spaced out between the letters, and it should be in print. You may get tempted to use Italics or use a font that is written in script. That may look fancier, and it may get people more curious about your vehicle. 

However, you have to remember that this is going to be on a car. People are going to drive by this car very quickly unless it is parked somewhere. Even then, people driving on the main road can be lucky to get a glimpse of it. 

What you need to do here is keep your font simple to read, such as with decal fonts. You do not want people squinting or having to take a second look at your car to understand what it says. 

Some people may only get one look at your car. You want people to read what it says at first glance and have it stick in their minds. 

Choose Colors Carefully 

The next thing that you need to consider is what colors you are going to use for this vehicle wrap. First, you need to know what color the car you are going to be using it. 

If it is your vehicle, that makes this step easier. You need to know this color because ideally, you want your wrap to contrast your vehicle color perfectly. 

You also need a color that is going to stand out and be visible from a distance. Some examples of visible colors from a distance include yellow, blue, and green. 

What this does is increase the chances of your vehicle being seen by more people. You want these colors to jump out at anybody passing by. If you make your vehicle graphics the right colors, people may have no choice but to stop and take a close look at it. 

Fewer Words 

Something that you have to realize is that your car is only going to have so much space. Unless you have a font as small as an essay paper, you are going to have to cut some words out of your message. 

The most important thing to have on your vehicle wrap is your company name. This should be 1-2 words that are in the largest font on the car. 

Depending on your product or service, that may be all you need. However, some businesses like to put their logo on there along with a small slogan, their social media channels, their website, their phone number, and more. 

As a business owner, you have to decide what takes priority when it comes to your vehicle wrap. 

There is no question that you should put your business name and logo on there. After that, focus on priorities that can allow people looking at your car to find out more about your business. It is suggested that you display your company’s website or phone number here. 

Larger Font Size 

You need to make sure that the font you put on your car is going to be big enough to see from a distance. While the right color combination helps, it will not mean anything if you can’t read the words from a distance. 

When it comes to font size on cars, one good recommendation for you is to use the 10 by 1 rule. This is used to try to get an idea of how far font can be seen from a distance on signs. 

Here, this means that every inch a font letter takes up on your car equals 10 feet from a distance. So, if your letters measure up to three inches, that means your letters can be seen from 30 feet away. 

You need to have an idea of how far away you want people to be able to see your car. Knowing this allows you to get the measurements right for the font letters and possibly readjust what you put on the car. You could find that your original wording or phrase will not fit with your distance goals. 

Get Help With Vehicle Lettering 

These are some of the best tips that you can use for vehicle lettering when it comes to vehicle wraps. You need to be careful about what type of font you are using and how big you are going to make this font. 

On top of this, know what color your car is and find out what colors contrast best with it. Ideally, you want to use bright colors. Finally, only put the words that are necessary on your car. 

Do you have more questions on vehicle lettering and vehicle graphics? Message us here for answers.