Using wall wrap vinyl is an easy way to add personalization to your office. It’s a great branding tool to let people know where they’re at, and it gives your office much more character than simple, boring white walls. However, if you’re planning to change offices for any reason, be it upgrading to a bigger office or simply changing locations, that custom vinyl wall wrap has to come down somehow.
This is where the issue lies: how exactly are you supposed to remove a wall wrap vinyl when it’s supposed to be permanent? You purchased the vinyl under the pretense that it would stay there forever, but the time has come for you to remove it. How exactly do you do that without completely ruining the wall underneath?
It might take a bit of practice, but there are a couple of easy ways that you can remove that stubborn 3M wall wrap vinyl from your walls.
Use a Hair Dryer
Unless you’re a cosmetologist, you’ve likely never once thought to bring your hairdryer into your workplace. While it might not seem like the most conventional method, it seems to work the best.
Simply plug in your hair dryer and turn it on medium heat. Point the hair dryer at the edge of the vinyl and hold it there until a spatula or putty knife can wedge itself under the vinyl. Keep the hairdryer on the vinyl as you continue to wiggle your scraping device under the edges until the vinyl comes free.
The reason this works is that vinyl is held on surfaces using glue. It’s a strong glue, but a glue nonetheless, so adding heat to the equation helps to soften and melt the glue to make it easier to remove. Using a scraper ensures that the wall underneath doesn’t get damaged.
If a hair dryer isn’t quite cutting it, try using a heat gun instead. However, if you do choose to use a heat gun, you need to be extremely careful. Heat guns get much hotter than a simple hair dryer, and may melt the vinyl or scorch the wall if you aren’t careful. As long as you practice safety, then that wall wrap vinyl will be down in no time.
Soap and Water
While this method may not work as well as the hair dryer, soap and water are reliable for a reason. Plain dish soap—with no additives like fragrances or bleach that may damage your walls—is an incredible tool for removing sticky adhesive from the walls. Because dish soap is already a fabulous degreaser, those same degreasing properties work well to help loosen the adhesive of the wall wrap vinyl from the wall itself, enabling you to carefully remove it. Just don’t forget to use your scraper.
WD-40 truly is the cure-all for all of your maintenance needs. From squeaky door hinges to car repair, WD-40 can do it all, including helping you remove wall vinyl from your office walls. Plus, because WD-40 is a milder chemical, it’ll do less damage to your walls and paint than a stronger chemical might do.
To use this method, spray the WD-40 onto the vinyl directly and allow it to soak in. Make sure that you’re spraying some around the edges as well. After you’ve given the WD-40 a few minutes to soak in, carefully start peeling the wall wrap vinyl up with your scraper, spraying more WD-40 along the way as needed. This method should also help to remove any sticky residue left behind.
Olive Oil
Olive oil functions much like WD-40 in loosening the adhesive from the wall. Its slippery nature helps to carefully lift the adhesive without causing damage!
To use this method, dip an edge of a cloth into some olive oil. Don’t soak the rag; simply use it a little bit at a time. Wipe the vinyl adhesive down with the olive oil, making sure to get along the edges, and leave it to soak for several minutes. When you think that the olive oil has soaked in, start carefully wiggling your putty knife or another scraper under the edge to loosen up the vinyl. Keep repeating this process as many times as needed to remove the vinyl and the sticky residue.
Tools to Keep on Hand
In almost every circumstance, you’re going to need some kind of scraper to remove vinyl wall wrap without damaging the wall beneath. Pulling too hard at the vinyl instead of carefully removing it can lift the paint from your walls, damaging them more than just being a little sticky from the leftover adhesive. Putty knives work the best as scrapers, but spatulas and even old credit cards work well.
You’re also going to want a spray bottle. Whether you’re using the spray bottle for water, dish soap, or olive oil, keeping a spray bottle on hand is going to make your life much easier when you’re trying to lift off this sticky adhesive.
Finally, try to have a pair of tweezers on hand when you begin the removal process. You might not be able to get your finger or fingernail under the edge of the adhesive to start removing it, but you’re likely going to be able to wedge the tweezers into the narrow space. Using tweezers to get the process started can save you a lot of time and heartache in the long run.
Roadrunner Wraps
It’s always going to be sad to see your custom vinyl wall wrap go. After what is likely to have been several years of service, watching the vinyl come down, even if it is going to be replaced, feels almost like the end of an era. The frustrating process of removal doesn’t help either.
At Roadrunner Wraps, we understand the emotions that come with removing your vinyl, and we can help. We offer wrap removal services for our clients, and when you’re ready to purchase another vinyl wrap, we can help you install it.
If you’re interested in working with Roadrunner Wraps to add a custom 3M wall wrap vinyl to your business, contact us today.
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